
Monday 30 June 2014


A frantic scramble to claim an empty throne highlights WWE Money in the Bank 2014.

With the vacant WWE World Heavyweight Championship hanging above the ring, a blend of established and emerging stars battled for the right to wear that prize. The pay-per-view's other key bouts pitted two backwoods bruisers against the WWE Tag Team champs and placed a pair of comrades-turned-enemies in a crowded field of hungry stars.

Did Boston's TD Garden play host to history? Did Roman Reigns or Cesaro earn his first world title, or did the company turn to a familiar face as its top titleholder?

The following is a breakdown of Money in the Bank's results, complete with highlights and letter grades. The recap begins with the man who last held the WWE title, a neck injury forcing him into a non-wrestling role for the pay-per-view.

Money in the Bank is all set to pop off tonight (Sun., June 29, 2014) from the TD Garden Arena in Boston, Massachusetts, at 7:30 p.m. ET, live on the WWE Network. You may also be able to watch this on pay-per-view (PPV) if your cable provider is carrying the event. will provide LIVE blow-by-blow, match-by-match coverage of Money in the Bank below, beginning with the first match of the evening and right on through to the main event.

Kick your off your shoes, relax, and enjoy all the action with your favorite pro wrestling website. And remember to keep refreshing! (REMINDER: NO GIFs or pics in this thread. Offenders will be banned.)



WWE title ladder match: John Cena wins
Contract ladder match: Rollins def. Ambrose, Ziggler, RVD, Kingston, Swagger
The Usos def. The Wyatt Family
Paige def. Naomi
Layla def. Summer Rae
Dust Bros def.Rybaxel
Rusev def. Big E

Adam Rose def. Paul Revere aka Damien Sandow



Rex here. Let's mark out with our snark out.


WWE Tag Team Championship: The Usos (c) vs The Wyatt Family

Result: Usos win and retain as champions


  • Uso opens up with a series of kicks to Harper and then a tag to his brother.  After some double team strikes, Harper lays out Uso with a dropkick.  Tag to Rowan who lays out the Uso and then grinds his boot into him.
  • Rowan with a tag to Harper who goes to work with some uppercuts before another tag is made and Rowan with some boots to the head.  Pump handle slam get's counter and a tag to Jey.
  • A superkick and a splash only gets a two count.  Rowan goes for the fallaway slam but Jey escapes and hits a running dropkick that sends Rowan to the outside.  Jey then runs on the barricade and htis a flying forearm.
  • Jey tosses him back in the ring but Harper provides a distraction when Jey goes up and Rowan sends him flying into the barricade.  Harper makes the tag and lays out Jey again in the ring before stepping on Jey's head.  Harper tosses him back in and then slingshots him into the rope before stepping on him once again and tagging in Rowan.
  • Rowan with an elbow drop and then some clubbering blows.  Rowan goes for a leg drop but Jey dodges.  Harper makes the tag and lays out Jimmy on the apron before laying out Jey with a huge slam and then a big boot for a nearfall.
  • Harper with some chops and then a tag to Rowan who hits a big powerslam.  Jey dodges a Rowan splash and then dodges a Rowan spear in the corner.  Both men make the tags and Jimmy with a flurry of strikes and splashes.  Samoan Drop to Harper and then one to Rowan.
  • Rikishi corner splash to Rowan and then a big twisting moonsault of the top rope to Harper for a nearfall.  Two superkicks to Harper but that only nets the two count.  Jey goes off the apron after Rowan, but Rowan catches him so Jimmy hits a big suicide dive.  As Jimmy tries to get back in the ring, Harper lays him out with a big boot.
  • Wyatts going for a double team but Jey makes the save.  Jimmy tries for a roll up but only gets a two.  Harper with a sit out powerbomb for a two count.
  • Harper goes flying to the outside to lay out Jey.  Jimmy tries to go for Rowan, but Rowan catches him and then Harper hits another suicide dive, this time to Jimmy.
  • They toss Jimmy back in and Harper makes the tag before hitting a double team slam but Jey breaks the pin.  Harper and Jey take each other out.  Rowan lays out Jimmy and he goes up top!  Jimmy crotches him though.  Usos hit a double superplex!  They then each hit a splash for the pinfall!


Ambrose promo!

He continues to talk about how he is going to rip Rollins apart in vivid detail and when he climbs the ladder he has a choice.  Take the case or smash Rollins' face and when Ambrose wins "Daddy is going to be mad"

Great promo.


WWE Diva's Championship: Paige (c) vs Naomi

Result: Paige wins by pinfall and retains as champion


  • Paige with an arm drag and then Naomi drives her through the ropes.  They grapple on the outside before making it back in where Paige hits a slam and then a slick tornado ddt.  Paige sends Naomi to the outside but when she tries to follow up, Naomi slams her on to the floor on the outside.
  • Naomi then goes into the rign and decides to hit a huge plancha!  Naomi with another slam onto the floor and then she sends Paige into the ring.  Naomi goes up top and htis a splash but Paige rolls through.  Both women now exchange a series of counter pins and submission that ends with a Naomi surfboard stretch.
  • Paige won't tap so Naomi transition to a bridge pin but Paige kicks out.  Naomi tries to go up top again but Paige meets her and tries fora superplex but they fall and tumble to the outside. Once they make it back in Paige with some kicks and a hamstring splicer.  Naomi escapes and hits a couple of hurricaranas.  Naomi goes for a moonsault but Paige gets her legs up.
  • Paige goes for the Scorpion Crosslock but Naomi counters with a roll up for two.  Paige lays her out with a kick and then hits Cradle DDT for the pinfall.


Extensive Money in the Bank video package.


Paul Revere vs Adam Rose

Result: Rose wins by pinfall


  • Damien Sandow comes out as Paul Revere and cuts a promo on Boston.
  • The Express comes out and Sandow tries to attack but Rose fights him off.
  • They brawl and bit and Rose gets the advantage.  Sandow acts like he is bailing but it's a trap and he trips up Rose and knees him on the apron before dragging him back into the ring and slapping on a chinlock.
  • Rose fights his way out but gets laid out by a Sandow back elbow.  Sandow iwth some elbow drops and a knee drop.  Elbow of Disdain and Sandow yelled- THE ELBOW IS COMING! THE ELBOW IS COMING!
  • Another chinlock and Rose escapes with a hip toss and then a big knee.  A couple of clothesline and then some Hayes-esque punches.  Running elbow in the corner and then some mule kicks.  Sandow fights back and lays out Rose and then nails a full nelson slam for a two count.
  • Sandow moounsault misses and Rose hits the Party Foul for the win.


John Stewart is in the crowd tonight then they give us the news that Bad News Barrett is out of the


A quick series of promo snippets from all of the participants in the Money in the Bank Match


Money in the Bank Ladder Match: Dean Ambrose vs Seth Rollins vs Dolph Ziggler vs Jack Swagger vs RVD vs Kofi Kingston

Result: Rollins win the Money in the Bank briefcase


  • Match starts and Ambrose goes straights for Rollins and throws him over the announce table and wails on him.
  • Kingston with some big air against RVD and goes for a ladder but Swagger takes control of it.  Kofi climbs up it while Swagger holds it and htis a splash to RVD and then lays out Swagger with a kick to the head.  Boom Drop to Swagger laid out on the ladder.  Kofi takes out Swagger to the outside with a ladder.
  • Kingston climbs up a ladder but Ambrose tips it over and Kofi lands on the rope and uses it to springboard himself to a splash on everyone but Ambrose and Rollins.  Ambrose tries to climb but Rollisn drags him down.  They trade off with that a couple of times before Ambrose smashes Rollins head into the ladder.  Ambrose sets up a ladder in the corner.  Him and Rollins trade attempts of a suplex until Ambrose succedds.
  • It turns into a mad scramble to climb the ladder and bodies are flying left and right.  Dolph and Kofi end up as the only men standing and scale the ladder.  They brawl on the top but drag each other down by the hair. Enter Rollins with a ladder shot through the standing ladder.  RVD with a dropkick that sends the ladder into Rollins and then a series of strikes.  RVD with his signature spots including a Rolling Thunder onto the ladder.
  • Each man in the match then takes their chance to get laid out by RVD that ends with RVD hitting a Five Star Frog Splash to Swagger.  RVD climbs the ladder but Kofi drags him down.  Swagger gets involved so they both use the ladder to take him out.  Kofi then goes right for RVD.  Each man trades strikes and Kofi goes for a superplex but Swagger nails him in the back with a ladder.  Swagger then sets up the ladder and drags up RVD.  He goes for a superplex off the ladder but RVD head buts him off.  RVD teases a frog splash but Rollins scales the ladder and lays into RVD with some punches.  RVD wants the superplex now but Swagger gets up there and power bombs RVD off the ladder!
  • Ambrose now meets Rollins up on the top of the ladder and superplexes him!!!!! Holy Shit! Holy Shit! Holy Shit!
  • Ambrose gets to his feet but Ziggler dropkicks a ladder into him.  Swagger then slingshots Ziggler into that ladder before hitting a big slam on Kofi.  Swagger then slams the ladder on Kofi before hitting a Swaggie Bomb onto that ladder.  Swagger then climbs the ladder and RVD gets up there and they trade blows.
  • Ambrose drags Swagger down and hits the rope slothesline as Rollins drags down RVD.  Ambrose and Rollins scale the ladder and start trading blows.  Ambrose gets the advantage and knocks Rollins off the ladder.  Swagger drags Ambrose off the ladder but Ambrose counters with a DDT!
  • Rollins starts to scale the ladder but Ambrose rams his shoulder into the ladder to knock it over.  Ambrose is selling the shoulder and the doctors take him out of the match as he screams POP IT BACK IN!!  Ambrose storms off to the back as the doctors swarm him.
  • Rollins scales the ladder but RVD meets him up there.  Kofi wedges a ladder in there to use as a platform and Kofi takes out RVD.  Rollins and Kofi brawling on the top.  Kofi hits a back body drop to Rollins onto the platform ladder.  Kofi is about to get the case when Dolph makes the save!  Kofi goes for the SOS but Ziggler counters with a DDT.  Ziggler lays out Swagger with a series of splashes and punches which leads to a neck breaker.  RVD tries his hand at it but Ziggler takes him out with a fameasser.  Swagger with a small ladder now but Ziggler superkicks it into him.  Ziggler hits a Zig Zag on Kofi onto a ladder.
  • Ziggler tries to scale a ladder but Swagger locks on the ankle lock.  Ziggler using just him arms to continue to scale the ladder and then he kicks Swagger away.  Ziggler tries to get the briefcase but Rollins nails him in the ankle with a chair that cause Ziggler to fall.  A couple of more chair shots and then Rollins kicks him to the outside.  We Want Ambrose chants.
  • Rollins climbs the ladder now when AMBROSE RETURNS!  AMBROSE NAILS ROLLINS WITH THE CHAIR AND IS JUST GOING TO TOWN!!!!!  THE CROWD IS GOING NUTS!  Ambrose sends Rollins to the outside.  Ambrose scales the ladder and tries to grab the case but Kane's music hits.  Ambrose tries to fight him off with some kicks and does so at first.  Kane finally sends him off the ladder and then hits a big chokeslam.  Kane hits the Tombstone onto Ambrose.
  • Kane holds the ladder steady as Rollins climbs the ladder and gets the briefcase.
  • Hell of a match
  • As Rollins heads up the ramp, HHH and Stephanie come out to celebrate.


Orton with some threatening words in the back.


Dust Bros vs Rybaxel

Result: Dust Bros win by pinfall


  • Star and Axel starting things off.  Axel with a gutwrench but Star counters with a slick slam and then a cartwheel to a dropkick.  Tag to Goldie as they hit a double team move then an arm drag and another tag.
  • Star plays up to the crowd who go nuts for him.  Axel tag to Ryback.  Ryback gets big with Star but Star fires back hard.  A few strikes and then a a backbreaker before a tag to Goldie.
  • Goldie with a flurry but Axel takes a cheap shot to save Ryback before making the tag.  Axel dropkick and stomps before a tag to Ryback and soem double team moves in the corner.  Ryback with soem knees to the back and then a chin lock.  Ryback with some clothelines and then a tag to Axel.  Axel with some ground and pound and then a chinlock.  Goldie tries to fight out but Axel lays him out with an elbow.
  • TYag to Ryback who hits a delayed vertical suplex and some clubbing blows.  When Goldie tries to fight out, Ryback with a spinebuster.  Ryback readies the meathook but Goldie with a back elbow and then dodges a splash to get the tag to Star.
  • Star with some flying clothesline and then kicks to the knees including a dropick.  He knocks Axel off the apron and then hits the drop down punch.  Star slips some Ryback punches and then hits a slingshot clothesline.  DDT from Star and then he dodges an Axel attack.
  • Cross Roads from Star but Axel breaks the pin.  Axel tries to follow up but Star sends him flying into Ryback and then Star rolls up Ryback for the win.  Axel swarms Star post match but Goldie makes the save adn they take Axel out.


Fandango interviewing Fandango in the back when Layla and Summer enter the scene start


Rusev vs Big E

Result: Rusev wins by pinfall


  • Lana cuts a quick prematch promo.
  • Early brawling and Rusev ends up on the apron.  Big E spears him once and goes for another but Rusev counters with a big knee.  Rusev with some slick kicks and slams.  He hits a splash and starts screaming at Big E.
  • Big E with a big clohteslines to lay out Rusev.  Rusev fights back with some of his own.  Rusev charges into the corner hard but Big E dodges.  Big E with some splashes and as he builds up more steam, Rusev goes for a superkick but Big E stops himself with the ropes and then hits a belly to belly.  Big E sends Rusev onto the apron and then spears him to the floor!
  • He tosses Rusev back in and the straps are down now.  Rusev makes to the apron and cataches Big E with a huge roundhouse kick from the apron and then a jumping sidekick i nthe ring.  Rusev is going nuts in the ring now as Lana gives him the command to CRUUUUUUUUUUUUUSH!
  • Rusev locks in the Accolade and Big E tries to break free.  Just as we think he is going to make his escape, Rusev adjusts and sinks farther back to really torque Big E until Lana gives him the command to let go.
  • Rusev selling being hurt as they drop the Russian flag above the ring.


Something with Stephanie and the Bellas in the back that I missed.


Summer Rae vs Layla: Special Guest Referee Fandango

Result: Layla wins by pinfall


  • Layla sends Summer to the outside and dances in front of Fandango.  Summer comes back strong with some strikes and then crushes Layla's throat with her foot in the ring as Summer winks at Fandango.  More kicks form Summer and Layla kicks her right into Fandango's arm.
  • Layla rages as Summer and Fandango look into each other's eyes and throws a flurry of punches and then a slam.  Layla with sometype of leg submission.  Summer escapes and then slams Layla's head into the mat a few times.  Summer with some rolling DDT but Layla escape the count.
  • Layla hits something that gets her the win and pinfall.  Layla and Fandango make out in the ring before making their way up the ramp.


WWE World Heavyweight Championship Ladder Match: John Cena vs Bray Wyatt vs Cesaro vs Sheamus vs Randy Orton vs Alberto Del Rio vs Kane

Result: John Cena wins and becomes WWEWHC Champion


  • HHH and Stephanie are ringside.
  • Big brawl to start things off that ends with most people getting sent to the outside except Cena, Orton, and Kane.  Orton is beating on Cena as Kane tries to get a ladder to the ring.  ADR and Cesaro with a double baseball slide to it.  They then take out Orton with it before Wyatt lays them out with a splash to the ladder.
  • Cena tries to take out Cena but Wyatt counters and slams him onto the ladder.  REigns with a Samoan drop to Reigns and then he sets up the ladder and starts to climb.  Sheamus with a kidney shot to Reigns.  They brawl some more and have a ladder stand off that Kane gets in the middle of so they both nail him with it.
  • As Reigns scales, ADR tries to take him out. Sheamus and Cesaro scale as well but Kane knocks down both ladders, sending all four men to the mat.  Everyone eats a big shot from Kane and ADR eats a chokeslam.  As does Cena.
  • Orton picks up Orton by the throat but its to help him get onto a ladder.  Reigns takes out the ladder and tries to climb one of his own.  Wyatt drags him down and now they start brawling and Wyatt ends it with a big slam.  Cena with a side slam but his Five Knuckle Shuffle gets counter by Cesaro into a Swiss Death.  Cesaro scales and Sheamus meets him up and they brawl as Wyatt does his inverted crab walk.
  • Wyatt takes out the ladder but Cesaro and Sheamus hang onto the belt and brawl.  Cesaro is able to knock off Sheamus but can't hold on much longer himself.  Wyatt with a senton.  Orton takes out Wyatt now and takes things to the outside where he is setting up a bunch of ladders.
  • Sheamus goes after Orton and sets up a ladder from the apron to the Spanish Announce Table.  Sheamus slams Orton's head into the ladder a few times.  Sheamus climbs up on the ladder but Orton takes out his legs.  Orton with a draping DDT from the ladder.
  • Orton drags the ladder into the ring and then gets a few kicks to Cena for good measure.  Things suddenly shift into another massive brawl that sends bodies flying left and right.  Kane is left in the with Sheamus as Orton and Cena brawl on the outside.  Sheamus with strikes from the apron and then puts Kane's throat into the ropes.  Sheamus with the forearm spot from the outside at this point.
  • Irish curse backbreaker to Del Rio and then a Whtie Noise to Orton.  Brogue Kick to Cena.  Sheamus with a few more slams to Orton and then he starts to beat on Kane for good measure. Sheamus tries to scale the ladder but Cesaro makes a ladder bridge and then scale it.  Both of them brawling on the ladder as ADR tries to get involved but Cena sends him to the outside.
  • Reigns deadlifts the ladder onto the bridged on which puts Cesaro and Sheamus in a precarious situation for a brawl.  Cena deadlifts it so he can scale the ladder.  Wyatt takes out Cena though and hits a suplex on the bridge ladder.  Kane slams him into it as Cesaro and Sheamus continue to brawl up top.
  • Kane pulls down Cesaro and then Sheamus with the help of Orton just as he gets a hold of the titles.  Orton and Sheamus start brawling but Orton is able to send him to the outside.  Kane starts to set up a ladder but Reigns with a big spear!  Orton then takes out Reigns and readies the RKO but Reigns with a Superman Punch!  He charges at Sheamus but eats a big boot.  Sheamus goes up top but Reigns nails him with a Superman Punch.  Reigns goes berserk with apron and announce table dropkicks and a spear to Cesaro.
  • Reigns and Cena square off in the ring now and start brawling.  Reigns gets the upperhand and set up a ladder to scale but Orton stops him cold and then hits a backbreaker off the ladder.  Orton scales now but Wyatt takes him out and hits Sister Abigail to a huge applause.
  • As Wyatt climbs ADR takes him out and nails him with some superkicks.  ADR gets up top and his hands on the ladder but Sheamus knocks the ladder down and Brogue Kicks ADR.  Sheamus tries but Cesaro takes him down into an uppercut and then Neturalizes him.
  • Orton takes down Cesaro climbing and nails him with an RKO.  Orton goes up but Reigns meets him up there and they are brawling on the same side of the ladder as they try to climb over each other.  They make it back to the mat and Orton is really bleeding now.  As they continue to brawl it out Kane gets involved and takes out Reigns so Orton can climb.
  • Cena takes out Kane with the AA and then takes out Orton.  Cena gets up top and takes a hold of the titles for the win.




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