Halloween: the science of cashing in
is increasingly popular, so you can expect to see countless articles,
adverts, TV shows, product offers and more all themed around it, even if
the association is extremely tenuous. Why does this happen? And isn’t
this article just another blatant example of it? Yes, yes it is.

It’s Halloween again. It feels like it’s only been a year since this blog last clumsily tried to combine science and Halloween in a desperate bid to gain extra traffic from the fleeting society-wide interest in commercially-acceptable occult. Fat chance of that, by the way; given the onslaught of all-things Halloween, you’re just adding to the noise. It’s like sneezing into a hurricane and hoping someone says bless you.
But on Halloween it’s fine. The rules change, and children are actually encouraged to approach alarming-looking strangers bearing sweets. But seemingly everyone likes Halloween, so it’s fine. And even if you don’t like it, you’re probably best keeping this to yourself, lest you get labelled a killjoy.

Although there’s one darker possibility that nobody has mentioned yet; what if boobs are inherently scary? Think about it; men are supposedly helpless to stare at them, and are often a physical drain on the woman they’re attached to. What does that sound like? MIND CONTROLLING PARASITES!! But ones that can affect two individuals at the same time.
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